Thursday, July 28, 2016

New Features of vSphere Replication 6.0
There are some new features available since vSphere replication 6.0
Network traffic compression- replicated data is now optionally compressed prior to being sent over the network, resulting is reduced replication times network bandwidth consumed.
Linux guest OS quiescing: introducing Linux guest OS quiescing services to provide file systems level crash consistency to replicated Linux based VM.
At last, network isolation, management and replication traffic can be split over separate networks.
Interoperability with VMware vSphere storage DRS at the target site: vSphere Storages DRS can now detect replica discs of replicated virtual machines at the target site.

Recover VM through Vsphere Replication 6.0
For understanding of the recovery from v-Sphere replication 6.0 following process comprises the following steps:
·         Select VM which we want to recover.
·         Recovery VM on replication destination site, power it on, verify it works as expected.
At first it could be interesting to note the fact that if virtual machine is available at source site V-Sphere replication allow you to synchronize disk data back from target site to source site.

For understanding the proper scenario, we have two site one is primary site and second is DR site both sites manage by  their own v-Center server, assumed VM at source site went corrupted.

To perform recovery connect to v-center at DR site and select Monitor-> vSphere replication-> manage-> click on incoming replications and select VM and right click on it and then click recovery button.

First select correct recovery options, there is showing two options, recovery with recent changes and second is recovery with latest available data, I will select 2nd option and go ahead for the next process.

Select where to recover VM, in this case I created a dedicated folder in datacenter where to place recovered and select host your VM.

Once recovery has been performed a new VM will be created on your source site (DR site) and on Summary tab of the VM you will be informed the VM was recovered.

 VM is now fully functional at remote site (DR Site) but how about moving it back to Primary site ? To move VM back to source site a reverse replication must be configured. By enabling V-sphere Replication on recovered VM at target site back to source site will bring VM back at its original place.

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