Friday, August 21, 2015

Understanding of Amazon Web Services

Cloud is always remain hot topic for discuss security, performance and high-availability. Many of organizations have moved on cloud and many of planning to move, It is the toughest job to decide which cloud architecture is best for your organization, there are having so many ways where we can easily understand cloud architecture, what we exactly want for run your infrastructure in cloud and most of the organizations are followed traditional infrastructure.

Amazon is provide same modernize traditional infrastructure in cloud which is the best suitable for all organization. The traditional infrastructure is easily portable to the cloud services provided by the AWS products with only few simple modifications. This section will helps you evaluate an AWS cloud solution.

It compares deploying your web application in the cloud to an on-premises deployment, presents an AWS cloud infrastructure for hosting your application and discusses the key components of this solution.

If you are responsible for running a web application, you face a variety of infrastructure and architectural issues for which AWS can provide seamless and cost effective solution.

AWS Cloud Architecture for Web Hosting

Below is another look at that classic web application architecture and how it could leverage the AWS cloud computing infrastructure.

The following sections outline some of the key components of web hosting architecture deployed in AWS cloud and explain how they are differ from the traditional web hosting architecture.

Content delivery- Edge caching is still relevant in the AWS cloud computing infrastructure, it is available in AWS which is to utilize the Amazon cloud front services for edge caching your website.

Amazon cloud front can be used to deliver your website, including dynamic, static and streamline content using a global network for edge location. Requests for your content are automatically routed from the nearest edge location, so content delivered with the best performance.

Managing DNS - moving a web application to the AWS cloud requires some DNS changes to take advantage of the multiple availability zone that AWS provides. To help your manage DNS routing, AWS provides Amazon 53, it is highly available and scalable DNS web services. Queries for your domain are automatically routed from the nearest DNS server and thus answered with the best possible performance.

Host Security- Security groups features are available as a firewall services which is helpful for stop unwanted traffic from the unwanted network are allowed only specific ports and services for the specific network or tier architecture. For the web tier only http and https should be allowed  and for the application tier will communicate only with web tier and db tier internally.
Security groups are allowed to reach your EC2 instance.

Storage gateway- AWS storage gateway  is a service connection an on-premises software appliance with cloud based storage to provide seamless and secure integration between an organization’s on-premises IT environment and AWS storage infrastructure. This service allow you to securely store data in the AWS cloud for scalable and cost effective storage. It provides low-latency performance by maintaining frequently assessed data on-premises while securely storing all of your data encrypted in Amazon storage service (S3).

AWS storage Gateway supports three configuration.
Gateway-Cached Volumes- you can store your primary data in Amazon S3 and retain your frequently accessed daily locally. Gateway-cached volumes substantial cost savings on primary storage.
Gateway –Stored Volumes- in the event you need low-latency access to your entire data set, you can configure your on-premises data gateway to store primary data locally.
Gateway –Virtual Tape library- if you have limitless data which should be securely stored in virtual tape, you can use this storage to store data in tape library which may use for future.

It is make very easy to store on-premises data on Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier, AWS storage gateway reduce the cost, maintenance and scaling challenges associated with  managing primary, backup and archive storage environment. Amazon Gateway-Stored and cached volumes are designed to seamlessly integrate with Amazon S3, Amazon EBS and Amazon EC2 by enabling you to store point in time snapshots of your on-premises application data in Amazon EC2 , S3 and EBS snapshots for future recovery on-premises in Amazon EC2.

TNT drive is one of the tool which will help to MAP Amazon S3 storage with Amazon VM instance.

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